Blogging 101 - What to Include in Your Blogging Posts

เขียนโดย Eva | 14:34

Seems like everyone is blogging these days for business and pleasure and you see the results of that all over the internet. The recession is causing many people to start their own business online and as many already know, blogging can make a huge impact on the success of that business. One thing that seems to be a problem with people is that they aren't sure what they should be blogging about. When you're trying to keep up with business news regularly, what are some ideas that you can include in your blog?

Product or Service Features and Benefits

Whatever your business model is, one of the best things to include in your blog is the features of your product or service in detail. You can highlight the strong points and the benefits to your product. Depending on the kind of product you have, your descriptions and comments should reflect that product. For example, if you are selling computer software, it's best to be more professional in your demeanor but if you're selling a women's clothing line, it's okay to be more candid in your conversations in the blog.


Announcements can include the launching of a new product or service. New and exciting promos and upcoming discounts and specials, or major product or service updates and feedback. These are really great things to include in a blog because this is where new customers are gained. When you have great things happening, people take notice.


Tutorials are a great way to use when updating a blog. If your business is say, plumbing, you can use tutorial videos for DIY (do-it-yourself) projects so customers can see the exact steps to take while watching you perform the task online. For cooking, you can use a tutorial on exactly how a certain dish is prepared and an actual video would showcase the steps exactly. Tutorials are a great tool to use on your blog.

Related News

Sharing some related news about your business or products is another great piece of information to place on a blog. If you're blog is about sportswear, you can share news of a sports event or about a specific sports figure currently in the news or a particular game that was quite compelling. If you're into computers, perhaps you can share the latest and greatest new computer software programs that have or are going to be revealed soon. There's no end to what you can relate to your business. Have some fun with it and make it interesting.

Related Tips

Customers love helpful tips relating to a particular product or service. If you are into health supplements, for example, there are a multitude of tips you can give about how to maintain good health. There is no end to this idea and you could fill up an entire blog just on this topic alone.

Testimonies and Feedback From Satisfied Customers

Utilizing testimonies and feedback from satisfied customers is one of the most valuable tools you can use for your blog. This gives other potential customers a secure feeling in knowing that your product or service is worthy of everything you are saying it does. Word of mouth from a satisfied customer is probably the best endorsement you can have for your blog.

These are just a few ideas that you use to updating your blog. Having a blog and a website devoted to your business is essential these days because there is so much competition out there. You have to be able to go that extra mile to prove to others why your products or service are the best out there. The more information you share, the more people will trust you.

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