Singapore Department Stores - Which Are the Best Ones?

เขียนโดย Eva | 15:59

Singapore is a shopping paradise and it is essentially an island built like an emporium to fill almost every retail need possible. Singapore department stores are aplenty and there is a whole plethora of clothes, accessories, paraphernalia abound within the many shopping districts all over Singapore. There is no best department store, it simply does not exist, because of the inherent subjectivity and wild and dynamic tastes of shoppers these days. It all is down to what you want out of your shopping experience and what your budget is. From the young, hip to the chic and the expensive, your retail taste buds will not be disappointed.

Places like Orchard Road have a host of edifices filled with promises of a grand shopping experience. Don't be distracted by their marble walls and bright lights, the devil is really in the details of these department stores. With brands and labels from all over the world, the international fashion scene is literally at your doorstep. From bargain basement deals to high priced fares, this once plantation location of the merlion city has responded to the increasing spending power of the average Singaporean and the all mighty tourist. With more than 1 million shoppers visiting such locations on a monthly basis, more and more department stores have risen up, with brands all the way from Japan, Korea, New Zealand the even the fashion factories of Russia and other European power houses.

For those with the shoe string budget then there are options like Far East Plaza or even Peninsula Plaza which have urban wear and budget brands for the teenagers or those not willing to spend for clothes. I mean sure, there are people who view wear as nothing more than utilitarian, who cares if colours don't match at all. But the again, grunge and hip hop fashions from the alleys of New York, Las Angeles and even Cuba has made their appearance in these department stores in larger than life fashions, bright colours and funk wear that addresses the needs of the niche, the young and the hip at heart. With a mixture of sportswear and no name shoe brands, there is something for everyone with a mean budget in these places, department stores that are cramped full of choices because they need to save space. You would be surprised at wat you can find in these places - after all fashion is an original statement, not a carbon copy.

Don't ask what is the best department store but ask yourself what department store is the best for you and your needs. Orchard Road, Scotts Road are just some of the places you can go to, but don't forget the hidden gems and cul de sacs of some shopping centres and malls in Singapore. With such a great interconnected transport system, sometimes, a bargain you have always been waiting for is just one station away. The best department store can even be in some dungeon like basement in some westerly corner of Singapore - you never really know.

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