It is a myth that impairment in vision is only a case of middle and old age people. There can be vision impairment even for kids, so it makes it extremely important that you always be on your guard about your child's eyes. You need to make them understand the difficulties that they may face if they don't take care of their eyes. So whenever you feel, or your child informs you about being uncomfortable with viewing things, you should take him to a doctor for an eye check-up. He may be suffering from myopia [nearsightedness] or hyperopia [farsightedness].
The doctor would prescribe glasses and you would need to order proper frames so that the child is comfortable wearing it. Since it is not possible to take independent decisions here, it would be better if you follow the doctor's advice. For selecting the right kind of frames, you need to rely on what the opticians tell you. For instance, if due to high power the lenses are very thick, then the frame should be small enough to balance the glasses properly on the child's nose.
Children will never wear anything that they don't feel comfortable in, so it's important to take care of this issue. If your child is very concerned about his looks, you can go for thinning down the lenses a bit, which will give a decent appearance to the child. So he will be able to satiate his desire of looking cool as well.
o If the eye doctor suggests constant use for the spectacles, make sure that the child does so. With constant usage, though, the eyes start getting too dependent on the glasses so it's important to let the eyes breathe as well, for which eye exercises are a must. So if for a little while the kid works without spectacles, it is okay. However, while reading, watching TV, playing games on the computer, or any other activity which strains the eyes, he must wear the glasses.
o If not glasses, your child would do with plastic lenses. They are very durable, unlike the ones made of glass. Your child can look fashionable in metal frames, which are more popularly known as 'wires.'
For being on the safe side, consider spectacles made of polycarbonate, which is used in making a bulletproof glass. They can easily avoid being scratched and has a coating for protection from ultraviolet rays. Besides, it is even lighter than ordinary plastic so it is worth buying. Prescription sunglasses and sports goggles are also good options. The former ones can be provided with an additional layer of coating for UV rays protection.
In case of constant use, it makes a lot of sense to have two pairs of glasses made, as the back-up one would come into play if the kid breaks the current pair of glasses. So take proper care of the child's eyes as well. Remember that all eye diseases are not only prone to adults - children are ass prone to eye diseases as well!
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