Among the first things an entrepreneur should do when it starts its activities is to obtain a logo. A well-designed, well-designed logo speak volumes for your brand and image. Logo design is really that important. Today I have a big surprise of a popular shopping mall along the east coast of Singapore).
I did not enter the mall for ages, and was duly impressed with the conversion. It looked much younger and more fashionable. Then I took the elevator. There wereThis large poster and I was randomly surfing when I saw their logo.
I felt not so simple "PP" logo design (with character descriptions arranged in a boring side-by-side format) is completely incompatible with the feeling "of the mall! I think staring at him a bit 'too long, because a two young brothers, about 6 to 8 years, and her parents began looking for him. Here is the front-raising conversation haunted me the rest of the afternoon:
Young Brother: P.P. What is PP? Sound Like Going wee toilet (wee chuckle) Brother: No, this does not mean pthui pthui (spit).
You can reject the call as silly chatter of two small children who might not know better. But would not walk away from the observations of adults without learning a thing or two about the significance of the logo design.
Mother: Only 2 "P" just that simple. It needs jobs in-house. Stingy. Ask why use green and blue? Without people think copyingStandard Chartered Bank. Dad: Oh yeah? The parking lot was in green and blue. I thought it was because of Stan Chart.
Mother: There is no standard table here! Here, only HSBC.
Confirmed the "stupid" the conversation, only one thing: the logo is not ideal. A logo is a visual symbol of corporate personality and character. If not, then it could be there.
I was also reminded of an article I read recently. He said the company --Logos have lost their meaning, as you can be absolutely no justification at all, or remember them. A simple name that is easy to remember, should be sufficient. But this only confirms that family interview, people are still in the logo and link to their perceptions, feelings, insights, preferences and the case simply designing a logo and colors. If a logo design is not important to have this new school of thought to explain much about the emotional andpsychological context, one with the famous golden arches of McDonald's, half fruit bite of Apple, curved lettering of Coca-Cola or the Nike swirled wings. How many of these majestic giants can think of, without regard to its very recognizable logo design, known and famous?
Because it is a logo design is important? Simple, without exaggeration, a logo can
1. Elicit immediate recognition (especially if the company "normal" type of name)
2. Being a visual short-cutcommunicate the company's personality, character, attitude, belief, the objective
3. Relate to your customers by providing a sense of familiarity, credibility and the heat
4. Association of quality and product / service satisfaction
Logo design is a complex task, if you and your creative professionals has to dig deep within the corporate philosophy, mission, goals, person, look at the product features and benefits of understanding and attitudes of employees of the company. AndExternally, you want to know what your target to think of your product or your opponents. Their perception is important because it is never easy to move a culture. Logo design is an important part of corporate branding. Thus prepared, up to the table, a decent amount of time, money and resources to run a branding expert, will help you get your logo.
However, if just a nice "-to-look-at-logo with a limited budget and do not want to risk a return to the designerswith something completely different preferences, do a little 'homework. You can walk through this simple exercise:
Start thinking of your business (not personal) person in relation to:
1. If the adjectives ( "Macho", "relax" or "faster than light" to describe your company / product?)
2. Color (If the chili strong echo of your male personality?)
3. Forms (see the car business image is too big or cutesy-Rolly-Polly?)
4.Style (You're a fashion-go-getter or evergreen classics?)
Let's say you sell sports apparel for young people who dig extreme sports, has been targeted, would use something like this:
1. Adjectives - macho, hard, hard, dangerous, high risk, Extreme Fun
2. Color - strong, bright, loud, crying for attention
3. Forms - precise, highly angular forms
4. Style - Fashion Street-style, casual wear, everyday wear
Aswould be your logo design with the look up? Even now, you have an idea for a logo "bad" and a "good" logo, if you have a relatively up to your descriptors.
Just as I have in another article of mine "your advertising agency which really hurt?" You have done nothing for the short, offering an efficient body. If not, try this little exercise. I know it helps because I have many clients who say they do not know what they want, what you used the letteringHow, and yes, with a small budget. This exercise works. If you want to have the work complete, professional contact. Pound foolish Penny Wise is not the way to go. This means that even if you are artistically inclined and know how to use a design software! There are many other points to consider. Reverse things like match the Pantone colors to CMYK, using the logo on the right HotStamp and directives, etc., without the technical know-how, you may find yourself with a nice logomay not be reproduced!
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