Skateboarding - Back From the Sixties With a Vengeance

เขียนโดย Eva | 00:45

In the decade of the 1960s skateboarding known as sidewalk surfing. The sport was akin to surfing with the surf and mentality. It went underground during the 1970s and 1980s but came back with a vengeance in the 1990s. The counterculture sport has spun out of sportswear and fashion, which has for its own industry. Each school in the whole country has a clique that is used as the centerpiece of their lifestyle of skateboarding. These skateboarders not only sit and watch skateboardingVideos all day, but actually the practice of sport by going to skateboard parks, which are specifically constructed so that the skaters can tricks and aerials as well as do Tony Hawk hero.

Just watch a skateboarding video once and you'll find that the sport takes the agility and balance surfing without the comfort of falling into the water. If these guys take a dive, they rock hard concrete. Sometimes as a go-getter, they can not skate tricks360s are in the air, 180s that will lift the skateboarder on the head with the skateboard over his head, and daring feats such as hopping on board a metal handrail on a staircase. When you start the sport skateboarding is pretty cheap to begin. You can use a board and safety equipment for less than $ 300, please visit the Sporting Goods Manufacturers businesses. The sport is only expensive if you decide to leave in the skateboard culture fall and buy the top line and all for theFashion and glamor that go with it.

For some great history on skateboarding I, I recommend the movie "Dogtown and Z-Boys, a Sony Pictures Classic. In the following sections, a direct quote from a review of the film by Author: Pepper Anne from Orlando, Florida are.

Last Pepper Anne "Who should be on the lookout to learn more about the evolution of the skateboard Dogtown and Z-Boys adequate research find-learning material. This is not to be confused with Lords of Dogtown, sorryHollywood trying to cash in the success of the original Dogtown revival. "

The film was directed by Stacey Peralta, written one of the original Dogtown members and co-directed by Craig Stecyk, is a skateboarding photojournalist.

The film shows what it would in the 1970s in California, groups of surfers with skate boards empty swimming pools (due to a drought and to prohibit the use of water) when the waves were dead and the use of the pools as a vertical courses. It all started here. Now, of course,There are places in public parks that are being built for this activity. If you see some excellent skateboarding history and watch a cool movie, rent this vid.

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