Buying Ski Jackets - Prevent Getting Ripped Off!

เขียนโดย Eva | 16:56

When you have taken up an interest in buying a ski jacket, because you're going on a skiing trip perhaps, then you may want to keep a number of things in mind before you actually make your purchase. There are a number things to look at in any skiing jacket. It has to fulfill some criteria in order to pass as a high quality jacket that will last you at least a few years. You don't want to have to buy a new one every single season, do you? For this reason I have compiled a list of things to look for when you are out shopping for a good jacket.

1. Make sure that you look at jackets that have closed seams only. These type of seams can lock out the elements, such as wind, moisture, snow, rain, etc. Jackets that do not have closed seams are not nearly as durable or effective as jackets that do have them.

2. The jacket has to have a button enclosure and a zipper enclosure as well. This gives you that extra level of added protection. Sometimes when you are moving around while skiing, a button pops open. But this is no big deal as long as you have it covered by zipper enclosure. You'll stay dry longer.

3. Get a jacket that has multiple layers. You certainly don't want a flimsy jacket that only has one or two. It's simply not enough. The layers must be composed of a fabric that is high quality. This will keep the water away from your body.

4. You will definitely want to buy a jacket with a hood. In most cases, anyway. A hood can make sure your head and face stays warm and dry. If you can't keep your head warm, it doesn't matter what temperature your body is. A cold head and face is something to avoid at all times.

5. Have a look at the sleeve construction. When you buy a ski jacket that has elastic sleeves, you will have high maneuverability during your skiing activities. Make sure the cuffs are on the outer side for maximum comfort around the wrists.

6. A good jacket has to have a few pockets here and there for you to place your belongings in. Most people these days want to carry at least a wallet and a cell phone with them. The pockets have to open and close easily while at the same being able to hold items in various sizes without those items bouncing around while skiing.

7. The jacket must be water proof. No surprise there! If moisture is able to soak through the jacket, it will eventually get on your body. When this happens, you will cool down for sure. And this would effectively render the ski jacket completely useless.

Keep these guidelines in mind and you can prevent being ripped off when shopping for a good skiing jacket!

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